Waking up this morning was like coming out of a dream. Last night was our gallery opening and it was beyond our wildest expectations. Everyone. Everything. It was surreal!
We had over 200 people come out (!). And we met some of the most interesting people from fashion and art and origami.
First and foremost I would like to thank
Sok Song. If you are ever so fortunate to have someone like him in your life on a personal or professional level--- WELL, one should be so blessed. Sok and I also want to thank
Marcio Noguchi and the whole OMG group for helping with the prep work on the exhibit. And thank you guys for coming out!
My business partner
Sherry. I haven't told you about her yet? She's my best friend and we also wrote our 2 books together
A Couple O' Cats and The Heartleys. She's the best and without her-- well things would be verrrrrry different.
I also wanted to thank
Patrick McDonald for being a wonderful and tireless host, and to
Steven and Hiroko Taffel who also hosted the event at their store and lent us the gallery space. All of you were so important to making the night run smoothly.
Some more people who helped out...
Alexander Horwitz -- wow. He helped design the 'flow' of the room and thank you so much for being a part of it all.
Jamie Rosenburg who filmed the whole event, thank you!
The beautiful and stunning
Hope Davis, who not only modeled one of my dresses, but was enchanting as a personality for the event.
And again, to everyone that came out. I sound like a broken record, but it was like being in a dream or in a movie. Thank you, I am still overJOYed.